
Sadly, we were recently the victims of a robbery...
On Thursday, May 27th, someone stole $2,500 worth of tools, damaged several farm vehicles and stole our tractor. Altogether, the incident totaled about $55,000 - $60,000.
As you can expect, the entire situation has been very frustrating and disappointing. However, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of Special Agent Deadman from the Department of Agriculture and the assistance of our vigilant neighbor, Tino, after a week of searching- our stolen tractor was recovered and returned to its home!!!
This incident has revealed that if Cobblestone is going to continue to expand access to fresh foods and strive to make NWA a better place to live, we need to substantially invest in the safety of our people, animals, plants, equipment and facilities.
Here's our plan:
Install additional exterior fencing around entrances to the farm.
Construct a shop building to provide a secure vehicle and equipment storage space.
Install additional security cameras, motion sensors, and alarms.
But we can't accomplish all of this alone. We need your help to improve the farm's security and prevent future incidents.
We have set a goal of raising $10k to fund these vital security measures. And this is where you can make a tangible difference.
Donate to the Cobblestone Strong Security Fund
Your gift will be used to enhance on-farm security, ensuring more neighbors have access to fresh food.
To express our thanks for your gift, we want to send you a FREE #CobblestoneStrong t-shirt. Click below to make your gift, and tell us your shirt size.
The unwavering support we have already received is a testament to the strength and unity of this fantastic community. We want to give a HUGE thanks to Williams Tractor, Central States Metal, the FPD, Agent Keith Dedmon, Tino, Absolute Security and everyone who has reached out to help us and YOU for standing by us during this challenging time.
Together, we can protect the sanctity of our shared space and continue to pursue our mission with a spirit of humility, authenticity, and unwavering determination.
#ProtectNWA #SafeguardCobblestone #SafeAndStrong #CobblestoneStrong